Agronomics Lab

Many of you have often asked, “What’s our next step with your Program?” After soil testing for years, getting your fields in better balance and seeing net profits increase many of you have asked for a more detailed look at what goes on in your field.

Some of you have done yield mapping and it confirmed what you already knew about the field. It was difficult to correlate the yield data with Soil Types, Fertilizer Levels, Tiling Info, etc. Multiple layers of information were very hard to interpret. Pro-Ag Agronomics Information Lab put field information in a whole different light. This program generates a database of information about your field. It includes soil test information, soil type data, elevations, tiling, soil production ratings, yield data, planting information by date and by hybrid/variety.

Additional data can be entered such as herbicide/insecticide, row width, plant population, tillage type, etc. All of this data is built into a database for your use. Multiple years of data are stored and made available to you when needed.

We now can produce variable rate input disks from your variable rate planter. You determine the factors you want to consider when determining variable rates. Factors such as elevation, tiling, soil type, and fertility can be used to determine the population rates of your planter.